Candidates for 05/30/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080529 AHG 16.82 21.83 655204 2
20080529 AMX 58.65 60.82 7420624 2
20080529 AVT 29 34.79 1830678 2
20080529 BRCM 27.13 27.47 15123078 2
20080529 CCOI 16.64 21.76 1031044 2
20080529 CELL 9.87 12.57 1182351 2
20080529 CRDN 43.11 50.42 724819 2
20080529 CRR 47.58 42.61 305410 1
20080529 CXG 41.17 33.39 522808 1
20080529 DDUP 24.46 25.82 771504 2, 3, 4, 5
20080529 DELL 21.81 23.40 28899556 2, 3
20080529 EEFT 19.41 25.35 627965 2
20080529 EQ 47.9 48.90 1671834 2
20080529 EQT 70.28 57.31 1194332 1
20080529 ERF 46.22 43.10 614511 1
20080529 GCO 28.06 33.99 632998 2, 3, 4, 5
20080529 GOLD 41.43 40.21 766178 1
20080529 HERO 33.31 26.23 2593791 1, 3, 4, 5
20080529 HOLX 24.25 54.35 5119960 2
20080529 HPQ 46.91 48.18 19802486 2
20080529 IDTI 11.6 11.53 3899219 1, 3
20080529 IMO 57.16 52.01 418064 1
20080529 INTV 6.53 7.97 306620 2
20080529 LFL 12.2 14.70 548657 2, 3, 4, 5
20080529 LPSN 3.3 4.58 261304 2
20080529 MAT 20.41 20.60 3483163 2
20080529 MGLN 40.47 42.12 418309 2, 3, 4, 5
20080529 PWE 32.25 29.01 1932627 1
20080529 RAME 5.82 4.95 358242 1
20080529 SUP 20.63 19.60 314998 1
20080529 TSCO 33.96 39.78 575912 2
20080529 VOL 14.67 15.85 256306 2
20080529 WNR 12.24 26.51 1960366 2, 3
20080529 ZUMZ 21.83 27.91 806351 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!