Candidates for 05/19/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080516 ACH 44.34 51.88 1585065 2
20080516 ADPT 3.13 3.23 652985 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 AER 18.36 21.16 475313 2
20080516 AM 19.72 21.93 514491 2
20080516 ANF 76.19 77.08 2256683 2, 3
20080516 ARTC 45.73 48.82 1082198 2, 3
20080516 BGP 6.71 11.20 1891539 2
20080516 BTH 19.01 20.12 294045 2
20080516 BWA 55.28 68.47 1147088 2
20080516 CLX 59.2 60.23 1576445 2, 3
20080516 CRS 60.2 86.50 749102 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 CSL 32.06 38.86 560560 2, 3
20080516 CSQ 13.06 13.53 323043 2
20080516 CVG 16.1 16.20 974244 2
20080516 CWTR 5.7 8.22 2164381 2, 3
20080516 DELL 21.31 23.65 28648259 2, 3
20080516 DISH 33.74 36.78 2750179 2
20080516 DTE 43.83 45.11 1263622 2
20080516 FIC 25.16 30.74 687943 2
20080516 FO 71.36 74.57 1015473 2
20080516 FR 32.42 35.46 646662 2
20080516 FXI 158.7399 160.90 8021484 2
20080516 GCO 24.06 34.95 619886 2
20080516 GRMN 50.02 82.07 5382026 2, 3
20080516 GVA 36.95 41.14 759714 2
20080516 HSY 37.47 40.21 1834792 2
20080516 HUB/B 48.63 50.01 344532 2
20080516 IWOV 12.75 12.95 464377 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 IYZ 26.92 28.48 404559 2
20080516 JCI 35.85 52.64 3389731 2
20080516 KCI 40.14 53.11 1133988 2, 3
20080516 KO 57.07 59.19 9915948 2
20080516 KSWS 15.85 18.94 425503 2
20080516 KTC 23.12 24.61 744776 2
20080516 LEG 17.5 18.09 2231026 2, 3
20080516 LKQX 22.24 26.73 1225947 2
20080516 LOOP 14.33 15.49 509373 2
20080516 MCRS 32.79 53.60 933452 2
20080516 MIC 31.1 35.72 324427 2, 4, 5
20080516 MLM 119.97 120.50 795603 2
20080516 MO 22.45 63.59 16981050 2
20080516 MSPD .75 1.16 698066 2
20080516 NCS 29.68 33.13 437900 2
20080516 NOVL 6.67 6.79 4082165 2
20080516 NWL 21.08 25.02 2318115 2
20080516 PBG 33.38 37.06 1637983 2
20080516 PKX 144.38 145.53 852404 2
20080516 PLL 37.75 38.06 1062881 2
20080516 PNM 14.9 19.17 2085877 2
20080516 PPG 66.24 68.22 1530917 2
20080516 ROIAK 1.26 2.39 567405 2
20080516 RTI 46.43 62.43 751750 2
20080516 SA 23.05 27.15 337259 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 SIGM 23.59 41.31 2901668 2
20080516 SLE 13.93 15.17 6357383 2
20080516 SPY 142.66 142.88 222565229 2
20080516 SSO 76.77 80.91 7578545 2
20080516 STM 13.56 14.18 2700582 2
20080516 SUF 4.1 5.01 455161 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 TDS 52.85 56.34 367653 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 TIN 15.05 32.65 2739736 2, 3, 4, 5
20080516 TNB 41.89 47.94 787410 2, 5
20080516 TPX 12.4 24.12 2659150 2, 3
20080516 TRMP 2.6 5.01 319358 2
20080516 USTR 43.38 51.81 402313 2
20080516 USU 6.1 8.48 4121896 2
20080516 UTI 12.78 16.28 360954 2
20080516 VLO 48.43 61.44 9754802 2
20080516 VMC 77.47 78.53 2117247 2
20080516 VOLC 13.65 14.26 358363 2
20080516 WON 1.83 2.22 464106 2
20080516 WY 67.32 67.63 2285406 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/16/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080515 ACH 44.29 51.90 1586555 2
20080515 ACTU 4.55 6.10 809330 2
20080515 ADPT 3.03 3.23 665248 2, 3, 4, 5
20080515 ADS 60 66.63 2866466 2
20080515 ADSK 40.94 42.64 4413181 2
20080515 ALJ 15.71 25.58 637113 2
20080515 AM 19.54 21.96 522885 2
20080515 AMP 50.65 55.91 2297049 2
20080515 ANF 76.08 77.05 2246465 2
20080515 ARCC 12.43 14.44 883422 2
20080515 ARTC 44.13 48.84 1098575 2
20080515 ARW 29.34 36.15 1042300 2
20080515 AVT 28.33 35.19 1750378 2
20080515 BEBE 11.56 12.61 896145 2
20080515 BGFV 8.94 14.44 261695 2
20080515 BGP 6.61 11.25 1902296 2
20080515 BMO 50.05 56.10 437564 2
20080515 BTH 18.84 20.14 297125 2
20080515 BWS 16.38 17.31 704395 2
20080515 CAL 18.64 26.89 4745710 2
20080515 CHS 7.61 10.98 3523426 2
20080515 CMTL 45.37 46.50 366886 2
20080515 COLM 42.99 47.53 378563 2
20080515 CPT 52.64 53.73 929494 2
20080515 CRDN 42.3 51.78 730601 2, 3
20080515 CRS 59.59 86.78 737933 2
20080515 CSL 32.01 38.92 557297 2
20080515 CVLT 17 17.33 482020 2, 4, 5
20080515 CWTR 5.66 8.29 2203027 2, 3
20080515 CYCL 7.38 7.85 1199390 2
20080515 CYMI 29.4 34.23 858962 2
20080515 DELL 20.63 23.68 28698191 2
20080515 DTE 43.77 45.13 1279914 2
20080515 EFII 15.25 20.00 724641 2
20080515 EQ 46.05 49.51 1606856 2
20080515 FCH 15.64 16.68 936272 2
20080515 FDRY 13.74 15.81 4249769 2, 3
20080515 FRP 9.78 13.58 1290799 2
20080515 GCO 23.99 35.08 626827 2, 3
20080515 HAR 43.69 68.79 1010898 2
20080515 HD 29.53 29.99 17901988 2
20080515 HRH 31.37 38.63 313304 2
20080515 HZO 11.5 14.64 360471 2
20080515 ISLE 6.97 13.85 377355 2, 3
20080515 IYZ 26.77 28.51 404677 2
20080515 JCI 35.54 53.02 3469468 2
20080515 JRN 5.95 8.39 362586 2
20080515 KSWS 15.82 18.97 430727 2
20080515 LEG 17.35 18.11 2248367 2, 3
20080515 LEN 20.44 20.80 7944160 2
20080515 LOOP 14.31 15.52 511655 2
20080515 LWSN 8.33 9.12 2032180 2
20080515 LXP 15.53 17.05 913444 2
20080515 MAT 20.23 20.75 3491410 2
20080515 MCK 58.78 59.34 2496904 2
20080515 MCRS 32.6 53.70 934656 2
20080515 MENT 10.16 11.33 1541252 2
20080515 MFC 39.18 39.24 1343987 2
20080515 MHK 78.1 78.47 852813 2
20080515 MLM 119.06 120.58 793414 2, 3
20080515 MSA 41.6 45.79 259033 2, 3, 4, 5
20080515 MSPD .7 1.16 702029 2, 3
20080515 NCS 28.84 33.21 441325 2
20080515 NJR 33.69 44.43 252525 2
20080515 OMTR 26.34 26.90 1367194 2
20080515 OMX 21 25.57 1363325 2
20080515 PETM 24.79 26.14 2269707 2
20080515 PNM 14.6 19.23 2087954 2
20080515 PSS 12.68 17.33 1983517 2
20080515 PTRY 13.62 25.44 627210 2
20080515 PWAV 4.11 4.40 2915077 2, 5
20080515 RHI 25.65 27.46 1580113 2
20080515 ROIAK 1.17 2.41 585376 2
20080515 RSYS 10.49 11.99 275671 2
20080515 SBH 7.72 8.17 1009657 2, 5
20080515 SCSC 28.85 31.14 331294 2
20080515 SRZ 25.47 30.24 489596 2
20080515 SUF 3.75 5.01 426754 2
20080515 TEN 27.5 28.46 663457 2
20080515 THO 28.82 36.82 788353 2
20080515 TIN 14.52 32.86 2705833 2, 3, 4, 5
20080515 TNB 40.45 48.04 777991 2
20080515 TWB 21.75 27.99 808917 2
20080515 USTR 42.79 51.91 403291 2
20080515 USU 6.03 8.53 4135092 2
20080515 VARI 53.49 60.86 318159 2
20080515 VDSI 12.05 22.80 924324 2
20080515 VMC 74.88 78.63 2108044 2
20080515 VOLC 13.52 14.28 361108 2
20080515 WLK 17.28 20.28 452078 2
20080515 WON 1.77 2.23 473861 2
20080515 XRT 34.49 35.04 4701398 2
20080515 ZRAN 14.14 17.71 1453557 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/15/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080514 ADS 59.45 66.71 2873604 2
20080514 ADSK 40.19 42.65 4393822 2
20080514 ANF 75.47 77.02 2235728 2
20080514 ARTC 43 48.87 1118564 2
20080514 ATG 36.44 37.16 499029 2, 3, 4, 5
20080514 BLC 10.24 15.23 1084892 2, 3
20080514 BRO 19.33 22.69 707617 2
20080514 BTH 18.67 20.16 300542 2
20080514 CHS 7.32 11.04 3519364 2
20080514 CMTL 44.36 46.49 366821 2
20080514 COLM 42.89 47.63 377729 2
20080514 CRS 59.5 87.08 731580 2
20080514 CSL 31.51 38.99 555887 2
20080514 CYMI 28.67 34.30 858267 2, 3
20080514 DTE 43.66 45.14 1285726 2
20080514 EAS 24.95 26.20 964470 2, 3
20080514 EFII 14.89 20.06 726253 2
20080514 FCH 15.37 16.71 935914 2
20080514 FDRY 13.23 15.83 4255005 2
20080514 GCA 7.14 7.70 430782 2, 3, 5
20080514 GPI 28.38 28.41 513769 2
20080514 HEW 38.32 36.74 801664 1
20080514 HRH 31.03 38.69 313522 2
20080514 IACI 23.73 25.33 3247247 2
20080514 ISIS 12.88 14.95 2121685 2
20080514 IYZ 26.36 28.54 408356 2
20080514 LXP 15.44 17.07 913529 2
20080514 MCRS 32.27 53.80 924652 2
20080514 MENT 10.14 11.34 1547349 2
20080514 MLM 116.25 120.67 786974 2
20080514 MPS 11.46 11.48 773616 2
20080514 MTU 10.15 9.37 2314145 1
20080514 NCS 28.39 33.31 443367 2, 3
20080514 NJR 33.55 44.50 250790 2
20080514 NSIT 12.32 19.80 546353 2
20080514 OMTR 24.67 26.88 1357990 2
20080514 OMX 20.33 25.63 1366213 2
20080514 PCS 20 20.59 2352158 2
20080514 PPL 48.42 49.03 2230891 2, 3
20080514 PSSI 18.03 18.22 675524 2
20080514 PTRY 13.58 25.55 626398 2
20080514 PWAV 4 4.41 2905887 2, 4, 5
20080514 QSFT 15.19 15.36 1377484 2
20080514 RMBS 22.29 19.01 2433932 1
20080514 ROIAK 1.08 2.44 588473 2
20080514 SBH 7.39 8.17 998976 2
20080514 SRZ 24.92 30.31 509988 2
20080514 THO 28.36 36.88 787954 2
20080514 TIN 13.57 33.07 2657803 2
20080514 TNB 39.86 48.15 775638 2, 5
20080514 TWB 21.67 28.07 810639 2
20080514 VARI 53.03 60.89 318640 2
20080514 VMC 72.62 78.73 2112107 2
20080514 VOLC 13.4 14.30 361640 2
20080514 ZRAN 14.02 17.74 1460664 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/14/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080513 ACL 152.75 144.42 423270 1
20080513 ADS 59.33 66.80 2876517 2
20080513 ALD 21.52 24.31 1206639 2
20080513 BKI 9.74 13.34 444180 2
20080513 CMTL 43.6 46.49 366310 2
20080513 CRS 59.04 87.36 724692 2
20080513 CYMI 27.79 34.37 853646 2
20080513 DTE 42.91 45.16 1291352 2
20080513 ERIC 26.02 27.46 4895058 2
20080513 HEW 38.33 36.70 801169 1, 3, 4, 5
20080513 HIMX 4.88 4.61 622587 1
20080513 MCRS 32.08 53.92 916865 2
20080513 MTU 10.3 9.37 2320431 1
20080513 NCS 28.3 33.42 445157 2
20080513 NTY 31.36 32.26 925532 2
20080513 NVTL 9.34 16.85 1409782 2
20080513 PRFT 10.78 15.45 534068 2
20080513 PTRY 13.31 25.66 622899 2
20080513 PTY 14.59 14.42 254579 1
20080513 RMBS 22.32 18.97 2455284 1
20080513 SJR 22.07 22.98 326592 2
20080513 SLH 25.13 22.40 323633 1
20080513 THO 27.74 36.95 781709 2
20080513 TWB 21.49 28.16 814567 2, 3

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/13/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080512 ACL 154.12 144.35 424502 1
20080512 ADVS 41.9 46.07 377710 2
20080512 AU 40.5 40.72 2093328 2
20080512 BCE 37.86 38.18 605056 2, 3, 4, 5
20080512 BKI 9.59 13.37 442837 2, 5
20080512 CMTL 43.45 46.48 367250 2, 3, 4, 5
20080512 CRS 58.25 87.65 720590 2
20080512 CYMI 27.68 34.45 853970 2
20080512 DTE 42.85 45.18 1304392 2
20080512 ERIC 25.5 27.51 4882528 2
20080512 HOKU 8.25 9.23 944267 2, 3
20080512 JCOM 23.95 26.25 618525 2
20080512 LDG 44.98 47.72 553730 2
20080512 MCRS 32.07 54.02 912080 2
20080512 MOH 25.35 33.52 388182 2
20080512 NCX 27.91 31.61 785174 2
20080512 NTY 31.33 32.33 931719 2
20080512 NVTL 9.29 16.91 1411713 2
20080512 OCR 24.72 25.66 1805912 2
20080512 PTRY 13.05 25.78 620920 2
20080512 RBI 10.5 10.21 259321 1
20080512 SKIL 9.76 9.14 315690 1, 3
20080512 TWB 20.49 28.25 813039 2, 3
20080512 XRM 4.1 4.47 340757 2, 5

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/12/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080509 AU 39.76 40.73 2086258 2
20080509 CHD 53.74 51.52 461283 1
20080509 CRS 56.42 87.96 717639 2
20080509 CVC 24.97 27.50 1546303 2
20080509 DNN 7.75 8.92 387778 2
20080509 DTE 42.49 45.21 1318531 2
20080509 ERIC 25.21 27.57 4877222 2
20080509 FCN 60.77 57.22 841445 1, 3, 4, 5
20080509 HNR 10.31 12.00 392492 2, 5
20080509 JNJ 66.55 64.80 12280063 1
20080509 LINE 22.59 26.17 1128981 2
20080509 LNCR 25.88 33.16 1132529 2
20080509 NUS 16.84 16.77 366327 1
20080509 NVTL 9.09 17.00 1409709 2
20080509 OMCL 13.59 23.13 844687 2
20080509 PGI 13.99 13.52 436759 1
20080509 PLCM 24.67 25.72 1872088 2
20080509 RBI 10.55 10.20 259232 1
20080509 RDK 36.25 34.43 366679 1
20080509 SKIL 9.97 9.13 314104 1, 3
20080509 TCO 54.94 52.46 646187 1
20080509 THG 45.14 43.66 394195 1
20080509 UB 52.41 52.20 894788 1
20080509 UVV 61.97 53.89 368437 1
20080509 XRM 4.03 4.48 333658 2, 3, 4, 5

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/09/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080508 ABFS 38.25 29.92 816655 1
20080508 ALV 58.5 55.22 699320 1
20080508 ALVR 8.89 9.66 576447 2
20080508 AOI 5.86 5.73 769616 1
20080508 ATPG 38.51 42.71 695765 2, 3, 4, 5
20080508 AU 39.4 40.75 2074949 2, 3
20080508 AXE 63.35 68.66 542523 2
20080508 CHTR 1.38 1.70 4689561 2
20080508 CRS 55.97 88.38 711568 2
20080508 CVC 24.76 27.55 1538142 2, 3, 4, 5
20080508 DNN 7.52 8.94 384921 2, 3
20080508 FCN 61.74 57.11 829682 1
20080508 IMCL 44.51 41.60 1508558 1
20080508 IVGN 92.84 86.09 795130 1
20080508 JADE 3.25 4.11 602847 2, 3, 4, 5
20080508 LMT 105.84 104.92 2177503 1
20080508 MCY 49.85 49.76 263203 1
20080508 MTH 17.16 16.17 992836 1
20080508 MWA/B 9.04 9.67 306282 2
20080508 OMCL 13.37 23.18 850000 2
20080508 PIR 7.2 5.72 2546838 1
20080508 PLCM 24.49 25.76 1867373 2
20080508 PSEM 16.07 13.98 307278 1
20080508 RBI 10.69 10.20 259203 1
20080508 RDK 36.55 34.40 367376 1
20080508 RNT 23.53 21.34 445837 1
20080508 SFG 51.46 49.37 456227 1
20080508 TXI 71.57 67.13 516615 1
20080508 UB 53.14 52.23 898316 1
20080508 USB 33.51 32.27 13426509 1
20080508 UVV 62.62 53.86 367501 1
20080508 XRM 2.98 4.49 311201 2, 3, 4, 5

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/08/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080507 ARBA 11.49 10.20 836322 1
20080507 ATPG 33.61 42.74 682303 2
20080507 AXE 62.41 68.77 542099 2
20080507 CHTR 1.37 1.72 4672968 2, 3, 4, 5
20080507 CLC 39.2 37.00 342562 1
20080507 COO 38.01 42.18 681241 2, 3
20080507 CRS 55.33 88.80 706454 2
20080507 FRPT 4.23 10.36 2467825 2, 3
20080507 GMKT 23.18 22.30 258053 1
20080507 ICOC 8.03 10.65 265412 2
20080507 IDIX 5.74 3.78 313307 1
20080507 MWA/B 9 9.69 309262 2, 3
20080507 OMCL 13.33 23.24 846459 2
20080507 PLCM 24.14 25.80 1866462 2, 3
20080507 RRD 31.83 34.99 1314115 2, 3
20080507 RTI 44.78 63.50 747843 2
20080507 SIX 2.4 2.60 1208637 2, 4, 5
20080507 USU 5.3 8.88 4176122 2, 3
20080507 WOLF 8.02 10.25 252458 2, 3, 4, 5
20080507 XRM 2.43 4.51 305097 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 05/07/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080506 ADVNB 9.75 14.88 517616 2
20080506 ALKS 13.06 14.53 1258070 2
20080506 AOD 17.37 18.08 540545 2
20080506 APKT 9.44 11.32 315756 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 ARRS 8.66 10.05 3614661 2
20080506 ATPG 33.21 42.81 679889 2
20080506 BBBB 35.84 38.22 367046 2
20080506 BEE 15.59 17.61 772326 2
20080506 BGY 16.91 16.92 326282 2
20080506 BKHM 1.9 2.22 619312 2
20080506 CAB 15.11 17.60 647110 2
20080506 CEM 7.34 8.15 2047927 2
20080506 CHTR 1.31 1.73 4626610 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 CLMS 20.51 24.13 302655 2
20080506 CMI 69.43 91.36 2898246 2, 5
20080506 CTDC 5.45 5.83 552439 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 EFA 77.18 77.26 13612242 2
20080506 EWI 31.91 32.63 571047 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 FII 35.31 38.82 1590567 2
20080506 FRPT 3.97 10.43 2592121 2
20080506 FTE 31.85 33.56 384497 2
20080506 HPY 25.94 26.44 309239 2
20080506 HTGC 10.69 11.85 258623 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 ICOC 7.92 10.66 268838 2
20080506 IDIX 6.02 3.76 312852 1
20080506 IEV 111.26 111.96 710125 2
20080506 MCGC 8.1 12.01 941675 2
20080506 MWA/B 8.96 9.72 310485 2
20080506 NLS 5.33 5.88 412460 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 NSTC 9.54 9.99 261457 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 NZT 15.66 18.14 277240 2
20080506 OMCL 13.2 23.30 846498 2
20080506 OPLK 10.26 13.10 251989 2
20080506 PHG 38.92 40.37 1141120 2, 3
20080506 PKX 128.25 146.02 831737 2, 3
20080506 PRS 4.92 6.83 277307 2
20080506 RSYS 9.99 12.07 273594 2
20080506 SIRO 28.69 30.46 373412 2
20080506 SIX 2.33 2.61 1205715 2, 3, 4, 5
20080506 SLM 22.94 32.71 16101673 2
20080506 SUNH 15.23 15.47 634588 2
20080506 TSS 24.87 26.10 1216411 2
20080506 VGK 73.01 73.20 489203 2
20080506 XXIA 7.97 8.70 294920 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!