Candidates for 06/11/2009

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20090610 ABAX 17.34 16.35 295810 1
20090610 ADTN 20.37 17.06 836112 1
20090610 AJG 21.72 22.11 1363737 2
20090610 ALKS 8.71 10.09 1155103 2
20090610 AMAG 52.94 37.65 383309 1
20090610 AYI 29.15 30.24 660088 2
20090610 BEC 53.34 52.45 787945 1
20090610 BRKS 5.02 5.70 368002 2
20090610 CAKE 16.67 11.42 2055072 1, 3, 4, 5
20090610 CNK 10.4 9.65 306057 1
20090610 CPLA 53.68 51.16 303149 1
20090610 CSTR 28.53 26.63 578050 1, 3
20090610 DWA 28.4 24.46 1172050 1
20090610 EXBD 21.35 21.64 404494 2
20090610 GAP 4.94 6.73 703365 2
20090610 HERO 5.25 6.12 2641442 2, 3
20090610 HRL 34.45 31.61 732452 1
20090610 HSP 34.28 30.22 1297704 1
20090610 HT 3.09 3.45 414824 2
20090610 HURN 49.04 49.27 338737 2, 3
20090610 JCP 28.76 23.66 7061654 1
20090610 JOSB 37.13 29.17 598262 1
20090610 KNDL 15.58 23.73 442105 2
20090610 MMC 20.44 23.41 6515650 2
20090610 NCI 13.77 15.16 479585 2
20090610 ODSY 9.67 9.47 288841 1
20090610 OEH 9.03 10.90 958768 2
20090610 PBT 13.29 14.82 318727 2
20090610 PII 32.28 29.62 585591 1
20090610 SLGN 47.49 47.69 404087 2
20090610 UNH 25.73 24.36 13254779 1
20090610 URI 6.82 7.73 1105232 2
20090610 WYE 43.72 39.47 15734397 1
20090610 YUM 34.77 30.48 5203449 1

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!