From WallStreet & Technology, an article about how Liquidnet has been trying to become a heaven against the volatility of HFT traders.
links for 2011-09-20
links for 2011-09-19
High-Speed Regulation
This is an interview of Securities Technology Monitor editor-in-chief Tom Steinert-Threlkeld by Peter Fedysnky, New York correspondent for the Voice of America.
I find it raises interesting questions. The idea of the large data warehouse storing every single trade across market poses interesting technological challenges. Not to mention that once stored, without delays, it needs to be analyzed. And that the only way to really regulate with this information is to be able to dissect trades on same instruments from different firms, trades on different instruments from the same firm, etc. Considering some of these market are not yet electronic, this seem to me like a serious challenge. Not to mention the basic fact that the sheer amount of information collected would it make it very hard to process.
links for 2011-08-19
This could be a game changer for the CDS market.
Decision making and information
You may or may not like Malcolm Gladwell but I felt this was very relevant to trading and decision making in general. Specially in the age of internet research, the information overload usually end-up clouding judgement more than anything else.
EliteTrader has a thread on the video.
Dogbert on HFT
links for 2011-08-11
links for 2011-08-09
Good article from Irene Aldridge.
links for 2011-08-08
I love how anytime the market drops now, it's a flash crash or it's because of high frequency traders…