Candidates for 07/01/2009

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20090630 ABMD 8.82 10.59 408612 2
20090630 AIN 11.38 13.07 318690 2
20090630 ALGT 39.64 39.67 582057 2, 3
20090630 AMB 18.81 20.20 4537364 2
20090630 APL 7.96 9.27 768044 2
20090630 BAX 52.96 54.41 5311441 2
20090630 CLP 7.4 7.91 1077936 2
20090630 CYT 18.62 21.95 795697 2
20090630 DEI 8.99 11.35 3126303 2
20090630 DOW 16.14 17.11 23724381 2
20090630 FMBI 7.31 13.89 613500 2
20090630 GGG 22.02 22.67 714249 2, 3
20090630 GMR 9.89 11.28 633006 2
20090630 GMT 25.72 26.39 1018526 2
20090630 HE 19.06 20.41 904216 2
20090630 HGT 14.46 15.71 282404 2
20090630 HME 34.1 36.20 1086708 2, 3
20090630 HPT 11.89 12.81 3179383 2
20090630 HR 16.83 18.84 1428549 2
20090630 HUBG 20.64 23.87 582124 2
20090630 ICF 35.94 40.50 2476602 2
20090630 IRC 7 9.57 853537 2
20090630 IYR 32.42 34.90 42192262 2
20090630 KMT 19.18 19.53 899569 2, 3, 4, 5
20090630 KNL 7.58 8.82 451494 2
20090630 LNCR 23.52 24.32 1043514 2, 3, 4, 5
20090630 MCY 33.43 38.62 431809 2
20090630 MDCO 8.39 13.37 846110 2
20090630 NTCT 9.38 9.85 641196 2
20090630 PRA 46.21 47.97 262101 2
20090630 REV 5.44 6.40 367029 2
20090630 RJF 17.21 18.83 2305486 2
20090630 RWR 33.94 37.07 1562343 2
20090630 SHO 5.35 5.44 1913846 2
20090630 SSS 24.6 26.91 280923 2
20090630 STI 16.45 23.22 18995769 2
20090630 SWX 22.21 23.34 355677 2, 3
20090630 VFH 24.08 24.42 1157584 2
20090630 WTFC 17.13 18.81 306324 2
20090630 WTR 17.9 18.50 1114921 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!