Candidates for 07/21/2009

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20090720 AVY 26.96 27.63 1185535 2
20090720 BJRI 16.19 12.41 296959 1
20090720 CBT 15.28 15.83 582724 2
20090720 CMP 50.5 53.60 956210 2
20090720 CRK 35.41 37.47 1066175 2
20090720 CTX 8.94 9.39 6003625 2
20090720 CVX 65.64 68.83 13681160 2
20090720 CYBX 16.96 14.30 304740 1
20090720 DAKT 8.24 8.59 329621 2
20090720 DIG 27.34 27.59 12992391 2
20090720 DVA 47.87 47.78 1116956 1
20090720 DVN 56.25 59.85 6168316 2
20090720 EROC 3.3 5.73 510824 2, 3
20090720 EXH 16.81 19.25 1399232 2
20090720 FAST 34.05 34.21 2122836 2
20090720 FCE/A 6.39 7.58 1509214 2
20090720 FLO 22.93 23.77 1065995 2
20090720 FSYS 22.76 23.71 708262 2
20090720 FWLT 22.22 22.55 3568559 2
20090720 GCI 5.05 5.96 7646699 2
20090720 GSG 28.77 29.28 611719 2
20090720 GVA 34.96 36.14 933599 2
20090720 GXP 15.62 16.41 1787637 2
20090720 HERO 4 4.18 2864172 2
20090720 HNSN 3.18 5.90 380592 2
20090720 HRS 30.47 33.75 1765840 2
20090720 HW 3.76 4.98 889230 2, 3
20090720 IO 2.38 3.09 1541570 2
20090720 KSU 18.73 19.00 2061069 2
20090720 PAYX 25.6 25.96 4486450 2
20090720 PBT 10.56 13.11 295106 2
20090720 PDC 4.8 5.46 344357 2
20090720 PHM 9.21 10.16 8802291 2
20090720 PQ 3.3 5.21 1896715 2
20090720 PTRY 17.65 18.76 295283 2
20090720 PVA 17.06 21.34 1032887 2
20090720 RX 13.23 13.52 1784200 2
20090720 SHS 6.14 7.16 311531 2
20090720 STSI 1.09 3.27 3500137 2
20090720 SUN 23.56 31.62 3620927 2
20090720 TDS 28.46 29.30 436754 2
20090720 TMX 16.48 17.18 1445569 2
20090720 TRMA 3.545 4.64 352346 2
20090720 TXT 10.62 11.64 7749273 2
20090720 UTIW 12.04 12.10 1012918 2
20090720 VLO 17.81 19.90 12892161 2
20090720 WAB 33.98 34.51 734548 2
20090720 XOM 68.94 72.16 31267189 2
20090720 ZZ 2.02 2.42 833047 2, 3

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!