Candidates for 07/07/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080703 AACC 11.71 10.99 1955829 1, 4, 5
20080703 ASGN 7.48 7.14 2421532 1, 5
20080703 CPRT 40.49 39.79 9554930 1, 4, 5
20080703 DSCP 46 38.13 1309125 1, 4, 5
20080703 EAR 1.5 1.45 1250261 1, 5
20080703 ENDP 24.72 26.10 11704168 2, 3, 4, 5
20080703 FPP 4.65 2.05 8653500 1, 5
20080703 GLG 8.34 11.48 12325125 2, 5
20080703 GRC 37.2 34.47 1302983 1, 5
20080703 IXJ 52.16 56.12 362960 2, 4, 5
20080703 JW/A 43.39 42.46 1997605 1, 4, 5
20080703 LECO 72.8 71.63 2899330 1, 4, 5
20080703 LF 7.85 7.38 4622387 1, 4, 5
20080703 LNN 78.04 76.05 7903309 1, 4, 5
20080703 MA 253.74 216.19 31719726 1, 5
20080703 NCOC 6.39 4.94 18602283 1, 4, 5
20080703 NITE 17.24 15.55 15520456 1, 4, 5
20080703 NPK 61.29 55.18 388496 1, 4, 5
20080703 NPO 35.13 34.53 3185698 1, 5
20080703 NR 7.2 5.70 6097127 1, 5
20080703 OMI 44.24 42.34 5333162 1, 5
20080703 PCYC 1.64 1.48 717240 1
20080703 PMCS 7.06 7.05 90310282 1, 5
20080703 SIMG 6.28 5.40 16578315 1, 4, 5
20080703 SJR 20.72 22.06 1762173 2, 4, 5
20080703 SKT 36.6 39.20 4837210 2, 4, 5
20080703 SWS 15.03 14.74 3413630 1, 5
20080703 SY 28.5 27.22 11987124 1, 5
20080703 SYKE 18.39 17.99 2981896 1
20080703 TACT 7.2 6.08 396970 1, 3, 4, 5
20080703 TRN 31.9 30.89 19752435 1, 4, 5
20080703 USPH 16.06 14.79 2123808 1
20080703 VOD 30.03 33.87 43959112 2, 4, 5
20080703 WON 1.36 1.95 6032585 2, 5
20080703 YBTVA .24 1.02 4063870 2, 5

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!