Candidates for 04/10/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080409 ACLS 5.3 4.97 896202 1
20080409 AER 19.78 22.89 475827 2
20080409 ALTU 5.37 9.07 273495 2, 3, 4, 5
20080409 ANSS 36.13 35.03 791641 1
20080409 ATK 107.59 107.89 316010 2, 3
20080409 BKC 27.13 25.79 1220775 1
20080409 BP 64.91 69.39 4235542 2
20080409 CBU 23.83 20.64 298324 1
20080409 EW 46.69 47.49 430886 2, 3
20080409 FTI 62.57 64.29 1807295 2
20080409 HBHC 40.12 38.58 251649 1
20080409 HCBK 17.86 14.87 7986171 1
20080409 HLEX 26.9 27.41 310763 2, 3
20080409 ILE .8099 2.19 269013 2, 3
20080409 IOC 20.3 24.33 614277 2
20080409 JOE 40.54 36.26 1048206 1
20080409 LINE 22.63 27.68 1163450 2
20080409 MRK 40.94 51.35 17626972 2
20080409 NDAQ 39.33 39.21 2503545 1
20080409 NITE 15.86 14.58 2164667 1
20080409 NPBC 17.2 16.34 582272 1
20080409 NU 25.76 28.55 1196805 2
20080409 OKE 47.63 47.71 687608 2
20080409 PEG 42.14 80.48 2348811 2
20080409 PER 14.85 14.82 611578 1
20080409 RDS/A 73.57 78.12 1789937 2
20080409 RDS/B 72.37 77.72 443780 2
20080409 RTI 50.71 66.93 685979 2
20080409 SMSI 7.95 11.21 838676 2, 3
20080409 SUP 20.17 19.69 293773 1
20080409 TMO 56.55 55.35 3026136 1
20080409 UNS 24.28 29.55 434529 2
20080409 UTHR 82.16 81.17 717934 1, 3
20080409 WWW 29.04 26.12 470146 1, 3

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 04/09/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080408 ACLS 5.35 4.98 899963 1
20080408 AER 19.6 22.95 475860 2
20080408 ALTU 5.34 9.10 268158 2
20080408 ASH 52.24 53.87 834476 2, 3, 4, 5
20080408 ATK 106.49 107.85 316716 2
20080408 BP 63.85 69.41 4240246 2
20080408 BW 29.32 39.53 387633 2
20080408 CBST 20.11 20.92 1104984 2
20080408 CBU 24.47 20.62 297008 1
20080408 CECO 16.39 25.82 2241330 2
20080408 CVC 23.82 29.09 1591752 2
20080408 DRIV 35.25 40.62 1147472 2, 3
20080408 DTPI 6.92 8.34 303229 2
20080408 DY 13.93 24.87 665864 2
20080408 EPD 30.99 31.04 602430 2
20080408 ERJ 43.61 45.22 727096 2
20080408 ETE 33 34.96 372479 2
20080408 EWA 27.6748 28.91 2527601 2
20080408 F 6.91 7.45 50094444 2, 3, 4, 5
20080408 FMC 60.65 64.23 743460 2
20080408 FTI 62.22 64.37 1819256 2
20080408 FTK 17.6 33.94 487791 2
20080408 GLBC 17.13 19.67 444530 2
20080408 GLT 14.72 14.57 294154 1
20080408 HCBK 17.89 14.84 7948588 1
20080408 IJH 81.52 84.41 554159 2
20080408 IVN 11.04 12.06 996847 2
20080408 JOE 41.63 36.29 1052703 1
20080408 JOSB 23.4 29.08 729472 2, 5
20080408 LINE 22.35 27.73 1157735 2
20080408 MDY 148.8 154.01 5259877 2
20080408 MYL 12.98 14.63 10257057 2, 3
20080408 MZZ 57.43 56.84 1033330 1
20080408 NITE 15.95 14.59 2168748 1
20080408 NM 10.43 12.51 1138955 2
20080408 NPBC 18 16.34 580751 1
20080408 NPO 35.49 35.80 279486 2
20080408 NU 25.75 28.56 1205575 2
20080408 OKE 46.87 47.72 687327 2
20080408 ONXX 33.48 40.93 1669515 2
20080408 PCR 40.72 49.92 755696 2
20080408 PKTR 5.85 6.65 372364 2
20080408 RDS/A 72.85 78.15 1791046 2
20080408 RDS/B 71.23 77.77 443655 2
20080408 RIO 37.13 37.26 24352880 2
20080408 RTI 50.46 67.07 685822 2
20080408 SBGI 9.25 11.09 664678 2
20080408 SID 40.55 63.77 2383261 2
20080408 SMSI 7.77 11.24 851714 2
20080408 SRP 13.17 15.60 2179661 2
20080408 STSI 1.4 1.17 261205 1
20080408 STXS 7.49 11.29 445054 2
20080408 TMO 56.88 55.32 3028243 1
20080408 TWTC 16.9 19.86 2342983 2
20080408 UNS 24.22 29.60 431724 2
20080408 URRE 7.13 9.63 374781 2
20080408 UTHR 84.3 81.08 713657 1
20080408 WPZ 35.44 40.53 538277 2
20080408 WRES 12.36 12.71 459767 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 04/08/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080407 ABG 14.77 18.13 451768 2
20080407 AER 19.43 23.01 474705 2
20080407 ALTU 5.22 9.14 268644 2, 3
20080407 ALU 6.41 8.88 11162875 2
20080407 AMMD 15.7 15.92 1151491 2
20080407 ANPI 2.94 4.71 654724 2
20080407 ARP 15.8 19.69 344552 2, 3, 4, 5
20080407 ASH 51.59 53.92 825176 2
20080407 ATK 106.27 107.81 317804 2
20080407 BP 63.46 69.44 4262109 2
20080407 BW 29.21 39.58 388894 2
20080407 CAM 46.2 72.89 3684441 2
20080407 CBST 20.05 20.92 1109594 2
20080407 CECO 16.32 25.90 2230096 2
20080407 CHINA 4.14 6.24 2450665 2, 3
20080407 CPKI 14.93 16.55 714503 2
20080407 CPSL 4.22 5.14 1253408 2, 3, 4, 5
20080407 CVC 23.81 29.16 1599768 2
20080407 DIOD 25.05 29.72 505650 2
20080407 DRIV 34.16 40.69 1143413 2, 3
20080407 DT 17.82 19.51 1365887 2
20080407 DY 13.81 24.95 670295 2, 3
20080407 EFA 75.26 77.97 13585467 2
20080407 EPD 30.81 31.04 603104 2
20080407 ERJ 41.96 45.26 731256 2
20080407 EWA 27.67 28.92 2541400 2
20080407 EWI 31.06 33.06 500914 2
20080407 EWU 22.82 24.22 850821 2
20080407 EZU 113.37 115.29 654562 2, 3
20080407 F 6.73 7.46 49683543 2
20080407 FCN 63.59 54.13 782469 1
20080407 FMC 60.43 64.36 746691 2, 3, 4, 5
20080407 FTI 61.87 64.45 1833267 2
20080407 FTK 17.27 34.15 489032 2
20080407 GAIA 20.1 21.28 294519 2
20080407 GLBC 16.45 19.69 444086 2
20080407 HYTM 1.9 5.11 499400 2, 5
20080407 IEV 109.7 112.95 685924 2
20080407 IJH 81.5 84.45 557776 2
20080407 IWB 74.8 78.77 1618264 2
20080407 IWS 134.91 143.37 693881 2
20080407 JOSB 22.69 29.18 724165 2
20080407 JRJC 17.46 19.22 1270239 2, 3
20080407 KLIC 5.65 7.41 1155149 2
20080407 LINE 22.34 27.78 1144402 2
20080407 LMC 7.79 10.46 1585454 2, 3
20080407 LRCX 44.04 47.53 2634692 2, 3
20080407 MCCC 4.9 6.27 671003 2
20080407 MDTH 22.52 26.34 252215 2, 3
20080407 MDY 148.1 154.09 5275097 2
20080407 MINI 20.15 21.13 362381 2
20080407 MR 33.84 35.77 823286 2
20080407 MYL 12.6 14.66 10215886 2
20080407 MZZ 57.7 56.81 1040071 1
20080407 NBG 11.54 12.27 488652 2, 3
20080407 NGLS 25.23 27.92 426283 2
20080407 NLC 22.81 24.21 1156728 2
20080407 NM 10.25 12.51 1146039 2
20080407 NOK 34.02 34.48 16262575 2
20080407 NPO 35.34 35.84 280705 2
20080407 NU 25.69 28.57 1202058 2
20080407 NYNY 2.2 3.88 455785 2
20080407 OKE 46.28 47.73 689713 2
20080407 ONNN 6.83 9.39 8848616 2
20080407 ONXX 33.41 40.90 1684295 2, 3
20080407 PCR 40.1 50.03 756919 2
20080407 PKD 7.12 7.92 1616317 2
20080407 PKTR 5.8 6.66 373609 2
20080407 PLAB 10.63 11.79 414652 2
20080407 POZN 11.65 11.94 350138 2, 3, 5
20080407 PTNR 21 18.83 266566 1, 3, 4, 5
20080407 RAIL 36.93 40.10 269257 2
20080407 RCI 41.28 43.34 544312 2
20080407 RDS/A 72.13 78.18 1797664 2
20080407 RDS/B 70.89 77.82 446171 2
20080407 RIO 36.77 37.31 24425554 2, 3
20080407 RNWK 6.24 6.43 1523204 2
20080407 RTI 50.2 67.21 686403 2
20080407 RX 22.63 26.00 1747690 2
20080407 SBGI 9.15 11.11 667834 2
20080407 SDS 59.31 56.37 23811864 1
20080407 SFI 17.65 29.85 2706220 2
20080407 SID 39.55 63.83 2364441 2
20080407 SMG 36.01 39.82 524899 2
20080407 SMSI 7.38 11.27 864271 2
20080407 SPF 6.11 7.00 4900487 2
20080407 SRP 13.11 15.62 2199718 2
20080407 SSTI 2.87 3.09 657665 2
20080407 SVVS 19.25 31.97 882249 2, 3
20080407 THS 23.99 24.40 273023 2
20080407 TI 22.94 28.38 361165 2
20080407 TKR 31.53 32.76 576548 2
20080407 TWTC 16.85 19.88 2349946 2
20080407 UNS 24.06 29.65 430935 2
20080407 URRE 7.01 9.65 380431 2
20080407 VGK 71.59 73.84 486450 2
20080407 VTI 135.84 143.50 610367 2
20080407 WMG 6.38 8.97 880159 2
20080407 WMI 34.86 35.51 3558630 2
20080407 WPZ 35.4 40.59 538409 2
20080407 WRES 12.32 12.71 461513 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 04/07/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080404 A 31.71 35.51 2965719 2
20080404 ABAX 24.77 26.51 422417 2
20080404 ABG 14.53 18.19 456856 2
20080404 AHT 6.06 8.69 1495616 2
20080404 ALU 6.32 8.92 11147516 2
20080404 AMMD 15.47 15.93 1156178 2
20080404 ANPI 2.92 4.73 657289 2
20080404 APOL 48.45 65.10 3825392 2, 5
20080404 ASGN 7.21 7.98 333152 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 ASH 51.25 53.97 824124 2
20080404 ASYT 3.74 4.57 509411 2
20080404 ATK 105.91 107.78 318334 2
20080404 AVY 53.07 55.29 1188727 2
20080404 BBBY 31.6 32.20 5294831 2
20080404 BDK 70.69 79.03 1164533 2
20080404 BP 62.98 69.46 4265227 2
20080404 CBST 19.78 20.93 1108555 2
20080404 CCUR .8401 1.12 438327 2
20080404 CECO 15.91 25.99 2220470 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 CMS 14.29 16.24 2698724 2
20080404 COCO 9.3 13.43 2168315 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 COGT 9.84 12.48 799314 2
20080404 COO 37.36 44.21 762910 2
20080404 CPKI 14.45 16.59 715129 2
20080404 CY 26.68 27.53 6543194 2, 3, 4
20080404 CYMI 28.12 36.27 787194 2
20080404 DNDN 5.64 6.67 2945456 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 DOW 38.85 41.38 6878982 2
20080404 DTE 40.59 46.22 1465628 2
20080404 DY 13.51 25.03 669750 2, 3
20080404 ED 41.59 45.48 2595771 2
20080404 EFA 74.8 77.99 13593450 2
20080404 EMC 14.98 18.46 41069488 2
20080404 EPD 30.699 31.04 606467 2
20080404 EPP 144.03 151.58 352476 2, 3
20080404 ERJ 41.46 45.30 733924 2
20080404 ESLR 10.69 10.80 5577240 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 EWI 30.81 33.08 495735 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 EWU 22.65 24.24 855024 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 EXEL 7.75 9.29 1166018 2
20080404 EZU 112.732 115.31 648318 2, 3
20080404 F 6.49 7.48 49479897 2
20080404 FCEL 7.51 8.66 1541209 2, 3
20080404 FCS 12.92 15.78 1378447 2, 3
20080404 FTI 61.7 64.52 1834859 2
20080404 GAIA 19.03 21.27 295077 2
20080404 GIGM 16.62 16.75 1023782 2
20080404 GPI 24.42 30.37 516399 2
20080404 GSK 45.33 49.88 2190410 2
20080404 HYTM 1.8 5.14 502726 2
20080404 IEV 109.16 112.98 685845 2
20080404 IFF 45.5 48.25 834734 2
20080404 IJH 81.3 84.49 561648 2
20080404 IJT 127.74 135.03 291580 2
20080404 IOM 3.72 4.13 413785 2
20080404 IRF 22.48 31.71 817209 2
20080404 IWB 74.66 78.80 1618528 2
20080404 IWM 71.16 76.26 94647947 2
20080404 IWP 106.48 110.76 736573 2, 3
20080404 IWR 97.78 102.99 365973 2, 3
20080404 IWS 134.4 143.49 693154 2, 3, 5
20080404 KLIC 5.56 7.43 1154185 2
20080404 KMT 32.55 63.42 717377 2
20080404 KMX 20.36 21.57 3159116 2
20080404 KRC 52.62 57.83 496788 2
20080404 LINE 21.45 27.84 1131798 2, 3
20080404 LNC 55.13 59.74 2254338 2
20080404 LRCX 43.76 47.57 2626197 2, 3, 5
20080404 LSCC 3.28 3.92 1540516 2
20080404 LWSN 8.07 9.39 2015957 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 MCCC 4.85 6.30 680926 2
20080404 MDY 147.92 154.17 5297704 2
20080404 MTD 99.52 102.19 354821 2
20080404 MYL 12.33 14.69 10217098 2
20080404 MZZ 57.86 56.78 1044350 1
20080404 NATI 27.79 31.34 342406 2
20080404 NGLS 24.65 27.96 425753 2
20080404 NOK 33.97 34.45 16358671 2
20080404 NOV 66.24 86.00 5846250 2, 3, 4, 5
20080404 NSTR 1.9 8.31 751125 2
20080404 NTWK 2.2999 2.34 385818 2
20080404 NU 25.62 28.58 1200650 2
20080404 NYNY 2.1 3.91 455132 2, 3, 4
20080404 OKE 46.01 47.75 693073 2
20080404 ONNN 6.79 9.41 8879687 2, 5
20080404 ONXX 33.14 40.88 1676690 2
20080404 PCP 111.08 129.38 1744368 2
20080404 PCR 40.06 50.13 764327 2
20080404 PHO 20.3 20.65 598419 2
20080404 PKD 7.06 7.94 1619115 2
20080404 PKI 25.53 26.52 1111425 2
20080404 PNK 14.73 23.70 977383 2
20080404 PNR 34.27 34.28 774314 2
20080404 POZN 10.94 11.97 345886 2, 3, 5
20080404 PPG 64.81 70.27 1496268 2
20080404 PWR 25.58 26.42 2695978 2, 3
20080404 QID 45.19 43.85 34900064 1
20080404 QLD 76.86 93.28 9497882 2
20080404 RAIL 36.48 40.16 271548 2
20080404 RBC 39.06 45.27 298644 2
20080404 RCI 40.98 43.35 542456 2
20080404 RDS/A 71.69 78.21 1790384 2
20080404 RDS/B 70.45 77.87 445855 2
20080404 RIO 36.67 37.35 24364096 2
20080404 RNWK 6.19 6.44 1527914 2
20080404 RSG 30.21 31.39 1162415 2
20080404 RSP 45 47.63 602212 2
20080404 RTI 49.77 67.37 679817 2, 3, 5
20080404 RX 22.36 26.05 1751870 2
20080404 SDA 19.39 47.39 283024 2
20080404 SDS 59.5 56.33 23911620 1
20080404 SE 23.64 24.57 3006054 2
20080404 SFI 17.15 30.00 2733256 2
20080404 SGMS 23.97 30.83 1705616 2
20080404 SID 39.22 63.90 2343913 2
20080404 SJR 20.32 26.29 315595 2
20080404 SLB 91.37 92.38 10195869 2
20080404 SMG 35.96 39.86 525382 2
20080404 SMSI 7.29 11.29 868490 2
20080404 SNY 38.75 41.99 1647281 2
20080404 SPF 6.04 7.06 4884102 2
20080404 SPSN 3.11 6.45 2090412 2
20080404 SRP 13.06 15.65 2217843 2
20080404 SSTI 2.84 3.09 663029 2
20080404 TI 22.72 28.41 360754 2
20080404 TNB 39.71 51.22 720693 2, 3
20080404 TSS 26.06 26.66 1159372 2
20080404 TWTC 16.8 19.89 2364897 2
20080404 UNS 23.86 29.70 432212 2, 3
20080404 VAL 21.83 24.22 782918 2
20080404 VARI 59.76 61.28 304242 2
20080404 VGK 71.23 73.86 489409 2
20080404 VRGY 21.1 23.61 523895 2, 3
20080404 VTI 135.77 143.58 610292 2
20080404 WCC 39.24 44.60 817204 2
20080404 WG 33.23 33.54 765390 2
20080404 WPZ 34.49 40.66 537535 2
20080404 WRES 12.27 12.71 462746 2
20080404 WSM 26.5 28.54 2204137 2
20080404 XXIA 8.07 8.97 265297 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 04/04/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080403 A 31.47 35.55 2975245 2
20080403 ABAX 24.53 26.50 426403 2
20080403 ACM 27.74 27.95 705158 2
20080403 ALJ 16.53 29.77 626481 2
20080403 ALU 6.19 8.95 11154840 2
20080403 AMAG 41.93 55.94 492243 2
20080403 ARW 34.38 37.53 934181 2
20080403 ATK 105.9 107.75 321258 2
20080403 AVR 5.52 11.08 865415 2
20080403 BPO 20.5 21.75 1882260 2
20080403 CIT 15.01 32.14 7184392 2
20080403 CLHB 62 52.27 299105 1
20080403 COHR 28.53 28.86 409520 2
20080403 COO 36.67 44.29 760582 2
20080403 CPKI 14.1 16.63 715467 2
20080403 CYMI 27.65 36.34 786515 2
20080403 DFG 30.5 36.57 334651 2
20080403 EPD 30.3 31.04 612855 2
20080403 EPIQ 16.22 16.73 318765 2
20080403 ERIC 20.55 29.98 4530084 2
20080403 EWY 59.17 63.04 3214133 2
20080403 EXEL 7.46 9.31 1168468 2
20080403 EZU 112.4 115.34 645940 2, 3, 4, 5
20080403 FTBK 20.01 20.29 438819 2
20080403 GRP 51.98 52.24 2397246 2
20080403 IDTI 9.67 12.44 3229497 2
20080403 IFF 45.29 48.28 853078 2
20080403 IGR 15.035 17.00 436324 2
20080403 IRM 26.8 31.13 819359 2
20080403 KMX 20.31 21.59 3202322 2
20080403 LRCX 43.3 47.62 2622887 2, 3, 5
20080403 LSCC 3.14 3.94 1538168 2, 3, 4, 5
20080403 MFE 35.4 35.68 1672803 2, 3
20080403 NGLS 23.99 28.00 426068 2, 3
20080403 NOK 33.77 34.42 16423038 2
20080403 NOV 64.44 86.21 5817554 2, 3
20080403 NSTR 1.87 8.36 747976 2, 3, 4
20080403 NTWK 2.26 2.33 415960 2
20080403 PHH 18.69 23.27 677863 2
20080403 PKI 25.49 26.53 1116079 2, 3
20080403 PLCM 24.16 27.18 1722478 2
20080403 PRE 77.66 77.87 595291 2
20080403 PTIE 8.58 9.43 319466 2, 3, 4, 5
20080403 SIRO 28.5 31.72 397961 2
20080403 SLB 91.3 92.35 10239979 2
20080403 SNY 38.48 42.00 1657002 2
20080403 SON 30.45 32.59 513848 2
20080403 SPWR 82.01 86.66 3849838 2
20080403 SRCL 52.84 53.39 691892 2
20080403 SYNA 24.96 40.09 1321854 2
20080403 UFS 7.24 8.08 4573012 2
20080403 UNM 23.16 23.92 3219176 2
20080403 VARI 59.56 61.26 304765 2
20080403 VEU 55.9 56.97 341784 2, 3, 4, 5
20080403 VRGY 20.82 23.65 524267 2, 3
20080403 WSM 26.38 28.57 2208486 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Relay for Life 2008

Dear blog readers,

I almost never post anything NOT stock market related on this blog but once a year, I allow myself this one, to support our local efforts at the Relay For Life organized by the American Cancer Society.

Because we truly believe we can make a difference and because last year was not only a success but also a great time, my wife and I have again decided to repeat the team experience in our local “Relay for Life” on Friday May 30th 2008.

Relay For Life is an overnight event that brings our community together to help support the American Cancer Society and its lifesaving mission to eliminate cancer as a major health problem.

We invite you and your children to join ours or any other team and walk with us on May 30th. If you can’t join us, please visit the site and make a donation to support our efforts. The ACS website lists all the relays by zip code if you want to try and find one in your area. Either way, you will make a real difference in the lives of people facing cancer – and in the lives of the people who love them. Thank you!

For state fundraising notices and the American Cancer Society’s Privacy Policy.

Click here to visit my personal page.

Click here to view the team page for Team Kibou (hope in Japanese)

Long UVV

I have no positions in UVV yet but I am considering it as a long. It popped on my Candidates list this morning and I thought it was a nice chart. First the big picture:

From this BigChart, we see a wide 10pts base. The price stayed in that 45-55 range from August 2007 up until early February. At that last up swing, it broke right through the 55 resistance and reach levels from a year ago.
On the candlestick chart:

Based on several factors (the size of the base, the ADX/DMI indicator and the size of the pullback), I still consider UVV in a pullback only which means the trend should resume shortly. A good to play this stock would be an entry above the open 2 days ago (around 66 for 4/3) with a safe up move to last resistance levels (68). At that level, keep the stops a lot tighter and watch for another reversal but ride it until the next pullback.

Candidates for 04/03/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080402 ABAX 24.41 26.49 432534 2
20080402 ACM 27.5 27.94 704168 2
20080402 AES 17.01 20.05 4929128 2
20080402 AMAG 41.5 56.04 492911 2
20080402 CLHB 63.44 52.20 308787 1
20080402 COO 36.04 44.38 756946 2, 3
20080402 CPHD 24.28 22.58 1226863 1
20080402 DLM 9.76 10.10 1599172 2
20080402 E 70.06 70.34 741706 2
20080402 ENDP 24.64 28.79 1131863 2, 3
20080402 EWD 31.29 32.93 315586 2
20080402 EXEL 7.39 9.33 1175915 2
20080402 FTBK 19.86 20.31 442852 2
20080402 GIM 9.31 9.29 258603 1
20080402 HIG 79.13 87.47 2628767 2
20080402 IFF 45.16 48.32 857638 2
20080402 IRM 26.72 31.13 822163 2
20080402 JMBA 2.94 5.37 1046561 2
20080402 MDRX 10.75 20.04 1858591 2
20080402 MRH 16.75 17.01 870451 2
20080402 NST 31.29 33.31 479394 2
20080402 NSTC 9.79 10.45 282374 2
20080402 NVS 51.56 53.16 2018693 2
20080402 OGE 32.02 34.07 407860 2
20080402 PAYX 35.84 38.74 3580787 2
20080402 PKI 25.27 26.54 1112104 2
20080402 PLCM 24.12 27.23 1726240 2
20080402 PSPT 9.74 11.87 372056 2
20080402 ROK 59.75 65.65 1551431 2
20080402 RSTI 47.05 60.84 314729 2
20080402 SIRO 28.13 31.76 396736 2
20080402 SLE 14.5 15.65 6518341 2
20080402 SNY 38.35 42.02 1660449 2
20080402 SPWR 81.81 86.54 3855904 2
20080402 TEO 21.49 23.25 273788 2
20080402 THRX 11.56 23.74 754197 2
20080402 UVV 63.84 53.47 395938 1, 3, 4, 5
20080402 VARI 59.24 61.24 303688 2
20080402 VRGY 19.64 23.70 522666 2
20080402 XFML 3.28 6.26 679772 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!

Candidates for 04/02/2008

Here is the list of my candidates for today. I will not trade all of those but will start watching them for short-term reversals.

Date Sym L/S Close MA(200) Vol MA(100) Reason
20080401 ABAX 23.83 26.49 435680 2
20080401 AES 16.85 20.07 4976316 2
20080401 AUY 14.04 13.57 11619741 1, 5
20080401 AWI 36.35 40.68 313562 2
20080401 CEL 30.75 28.16 294455 1
20080401 COO 35.36 44.47 751999 2
20080401 CPHD 24.32 22.52 1227232 1
20080401 CPNO 34.49 37.63 304181 2
20080401 CYCL 6.45 8.42 1325203 2, 3, 4, 5
20080401 DLLR 23.99 26.76 308783 2
20080401 E 68.57 70.36 737345 2
20080401 EWD 30.98 32.96 320886 2, 3
20080401 EXEL 7.38 9.35 1188497 2
20080401 HPY 23.86 27.16 318015 2, 3
20080401 MRH 16.67 17.02 870721 2
20080401 PKI 25.06 26.54 1111850 2
20080401 PSPT 9.66 11.88 374133 2
20080401 SLE 14.42 15.66 6489037 2
20080401 STO 30.35 30.42 1488548 2
20080401 TEG 48.14 50.42 507100 2
20080401 TEO 21.47 23.28 275144 2
20080401 TRA 35.36 34.75 3926524 1
20080401 UVV 64.5 53.47 386213 1, 3
20080401 VARI 58.92 61.23 303082 2
20080401 VRGY 19.42 23.75 526071 2, 3
20080401 WIND 8.14 9.68 958767 2

1. 5 Consecutive down days.
2. 5 Consecutive up days.
3. Volume is 30% over the 10-day moving average.
4. Volume is 70% over the 30-day moving average.
5. Volume is 50% over the 50-day moving average.

Happy Trading!